Always Sunny Crack Episode

8. Dennis And Dee's Ongoing Crack Addiction

As fans will know, It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia enjoys tackling social issues in a not-so-PC way. A prime example of this occurs in the episode titled Dennis and Dee Go on Welfare. As this name suggests, in this episode Dennis and Dee quit their jobs at Paddy’s Pub in order to follow their dreams of becoming a veterinarian and an actress respectively.

When I first heard about It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia, my buddy told me it was “kinda like Seinfeld, if Seinfeld were on crack.”That’s a damn appropriate description; seven seasons later, and I’m still addicted. The IASIP team is awesome at turning relative minutiae into ridiculous narratives, but they always take their skewed brand of humor to the next level of offensiveness.

These dreams are quickly pushed aside when they realise that signing up for unemployment will actually pay more than they earned at the bar. However, once their unemployment runs out they are faced with applying for welfare or finding new jobs. They decide to attempt to qualify for welfare. How, you ask? By getting addicted to crack, of course.

The episode wraps up with the pair hooked on the drug and begging Frank for their jobs back. He obliges but advises they’ll have lost most of their privileges because they’re, well, crackheads.

Always Sunny Crack Episode

Ranking the earliest episodes of Always Sunny is tricky, because it was such a different show at the time. Dee is the voice of reason. Dee is the voice of reason. Frank doesn’t exist. ' The Gang Cracks the Liberty Bell ' is the eleventh episode of the fourth season of It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia.

Always Sunny Crack Episode

The craving for crack rocks continues for these two throughout the series. Both of them show an interest for it in the episode Frank’s Pretty Woman, and Dee specifically asks for it after being called a crack whore in the Mac is a Serial Killer episode.

Hospitality jobs suck, but a crack addiction is probably marginally worse.

Always Sunny Crack Episode


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