Since 2017 AgenZasBrothers does not exist anymore. Visit or if you're interested in our latest Blender r. Creating a detailed city scene is no small undertaking, and requires a significant amount of repetitive, and sometimes boring, modelling actions. Rather than just enumerating point by point what he's doing, in this 3D World tutorial Mateusz Wielgus breaks down his workflow into pieces and presents them as a series of general steps and tips that. The Beach scene began with the goal to create realistic water that had a subtle change in color as it got closer to shore and had a mist on the horizon like the wind kicks up the spray. The beach, plants, drift wood, and the rest were an after thought to put the water in context with its surroundings. As part of an existing add-on, I'm trying to create an object and add it to the scene using Python. I followed a Blender Cookbook tutorial found here: Three ways to create objects.
Speaker: If you’re using Blender to create a real-time environment such as a video game, you can use a speaker object in your scene to give players an immersive experience with 3D sound. Camera: Like real-world cameras, camera objects define the location and perspective from which you’re rendering your scene.
There can be many objects in a scene: A typical stage scene consists of furniture, props,lights, and backdrops.Blender helps you keep everything organized by allowing you to group like objects together.Objects can be grouped together without any kind of transformation relationship (unlike parenting).Collections are used to just logically organize your scene,or to facilitate one-step appending or linking between files or across scenes.
Collections Menu¶
Object Mode
Object ‣ Collection
M, Shift-M, Ctrl-G, etc.
Move selected objects to an existing or new collection.
Link selected objects to a collection.A new collection can be created in the pop-up.
Creates a new collection and adds the selected object(s) to it.The name of the new collection can be specified inthe Create New CollectionAdjust Last Operation panel.This collection is not linked to the active scene.
Remove the selected objects from a collection. If the object belongs to more than one collection,a pop-up lets you select the collection and an option to remove it from all collections.
Remove the selected objects from all collections.
Adds the selected objects to the collections to which the active object belongs.
Causes the selected objects to be removed from the collections to which the active object belongs.
Collections Panel¶
Blender Scene Creation Movie
Object Mode
Object tab ‣ Collections
All collections that an object has been assigned to are listed in the PropertiesObject tab ‣ Collections panel.
Blender Scene Creation Free
Adds the selected object to a collection.A pop-up lets you specify the collection to add to.
Creates a new collection and adds the selected object to it.
To rename a collection, simply click in the collections name field.
To remove an object from a collection,find the name of the collection from which you wish to remove the object,and click the X
button to the right of the collection name.
Unlink Collection, Select Collection, Set Offset from Cursor
Applies a spatial offset of the instanced collections from the original object’s origin.
See also
Appending or Linking Collections
To append a collection from another blend-file,consult this page.In summary, File ‣ Link/Append Link Select a blend-file and then the collection.
Selecting Collections
Collections can be selected, see Select Grouped for more information.