Crop Image Pixels

If the crop position is not provided, it will be automatically set to top left corner. If the crop area size is unspecified, it will use PNG graphic file's width and height. The recrop option allows you to fine-tune your cropping process. If recropping is enabled, then the original image you're cropping will be replaced with the cropped one. If the original frame was, say, 1920 X 1080 pixels, but you are only interested in the middle part of the picture, you can certainly crop the image into a smaller, say, 720 X 480 pixel image,. This drawback of cropping picture can be eradicated with the help of photo editing software. Losing pixels is a big hindrance in retaining the quality of an image. It might serve the purpose of removing the redundant parts of an image. It may even help in stamping out unwanted objects or even people but it may weaken the picture quality. Crop Photos to the Exact Size with Fotor's Image Cropper! Streamlining the image post process, Fotor's free online photo cropper allows you to easily and quickly crop unnecessary elements from your photos to highlight only the best parts of your image.

You can crop an image in Inkscape in ways similar to raster programs such as Photoshop or Gimp.

Use any of the following methods:

  • Clipping: Use shapes, objects, or paths to crop
  • Masking: Crop using any vector object, but also gradients and blur
  • Pattern: Use handles to crop and convert to path to sculpt your crop

In this step-by-step tutorial, I show you 17 ways in which you can use Inkscape to crop both pixel and vector images.

If you want to know more about vector graphics and what you can do with Inkscape, check out these definitive posts:

What Are Vector Graphics Used For?

Let’s get started.

Crop Image Pixels Wallpaper

Method 1: Crop an Image by Clipping

The clip operation in Inkscape lets you place a vector shape, object or path on top of an image in order to “clip” or cut a portion of that image according to the shape used.

It’s like using a cookie cutter to create a cookie from dough.

With clipping, you can crop in Inkscape by using regular shapes, objects such as text, or paths.

1. Clip Using Shapes

To clip an image (assuming you’ve imported your image to Inkscape), first create the shape you’ll be using to clip or cut your image. You can use squares, circles, stars, or any other shape).

Next, place the shape on top of the image in the area you wish to crop, and select both the image and shape, like so:

Note that the clipping shape or object always goes on top of the image to be clipped.

Now, go to Object > Clip > Set to apply clipping and crop the image.

The image is now cropped according to the shapes you use to clip (in this case, a square):

You can also use circles:

You can use polygons and stars:

You can even use a vector object, such as text:

In addition, you can use multiple shapes or paths for cropping images in Inkscape.

2. Clip Using a Path

Instead of shapes, you can also create your own path in order to crop in Inkscape.

One way to do this is to use the Pen Tool (or any drawing tool, such as Pencil) to carefully draw around the shape you wish to crop.

The more patient your are, the more precise the crop. Remember that you can also sculpt the nodes of the path for even more precision:

Now, you can go to Object > Clip > Set to crop your image:

Method 2: Crop an Image by Masking

Masking works in a way very similar to clipping, but with some important advantages.

First, access the tool in Object > Mask> Set :

Like clipping, you can use masking with shapes, objects, and paths, like so:

HOWEVER, masking allows for gradients and blurs to modify the cropping in special ways. This means you can crop images with feathered edges or translucent areas.

This is the main rule with masking:

  • The part of an object with white fill or border will allow the object beneath to be visible.
  • The part of an object with black fill or border will block any part of the object beneath it.
  • Anything in between (all shades of grey) will become gradually transparent, with corresponding effects on the object beneath.

Let’s take a look at some examples of masking:

You can mask an object by using regular shapes or paths and using different shades of grey in their border or stroke.

Here, I’m using a thick grey stroke on a white circle:

Here, I use the calligraphy pen on the marker setting to draw a grey stroke over the image:

Remember that you can use any shape, stroke, or path.


You can play with shapes and shades of grey to create even more awesome image cropping, like this:

Just be sure to group objects (CTRL + G) before masking.

Here’s another great feature of masking in Inkscape:

You can play with gradients and blur to create interesting image cropping. Here, I’m using a simple gradient to mask my image:

Next, I’m using gradients with different stops, applying black and grey to gradient nodes:

Finally, you can you use masking, a shape, and a simple blur to crop an image in Inkscape, like this:

Method 3: Crop an Image by Pattern

The final method you can use to crop an image in Inkscape is by applying a pattern to the image.

You can apply a pattern to an image or vector object by going to Object > Pattern > Objects to Pattern:

Inkscape then creates a pattern of your image that you can transform by means of special handles similar to those used by the square tool.

To do this, first apply the pattern, select your image, and then select the squares tool to show your new editing handles:

Now you can play a little with the nodes and handles to crop your image in interesting ways:

Cropping an Image in Inkscape is Easy

Cropping an image in Inkscape can be very convenient for several reasons:

  • It’s easy to apply
  • It’s convenient not to use a raster program such as Gimp or Photoshop, as you work in a vector program
  • It’s quick and efficient

Now you know 3 different methods to crop an image in Inkscape and 17 different ways you can use them.

Which one are you going to use and how?

Crop Image Pixels

Are you ready to create a logo in Inkscape? Check out these awesome tutorials:

How difficult can it be to crop an image in Photoshop to match an exact pixel size requirement? This is something that we do all the time. Everyone has a favorite method. Some photographers use the crop tool; it’s very easy to use, but it can be unreliable when you need to resize an image to match exact pixel specifications. Phil Steele shares an interesting one-step process that accurately resizes your photos to your pixel size requirements:

Say you need to upload an image as your new Facebook cover photo. The size is a weird 851 pixels by 315 pixels. That’s not a standard pixel size straight out of any camera. So, invariably you’ll have to crop it.

As mentioned, resizing an image can be done in a number of ways.

The crop tool is a traditional way to resize your photos in Photoshop. The crop tool gives you handles using which you can drag around to find an appropriate crop. Upon hitting ‘Enter’ the image is resized based on your selection. This does not give you a precise selection, though.

Crop Tool

The other popular option is to use the Image Resize option. This method, however, will not allow you to tinker with both the image height and width–you’ll have to choose just one. Thus, this method too, falls short of expectations.

Tinkering with the Canvas Size of the image is yet another option. The good thing with this method is that you can tinker both parameters: height and width. Except in this case the image selection area is never quite precise. You have to rely on Photoshop to choose that for you. You can choose to keep the image centered while the edges are trimmed off. Alternatively, you can keep one of the edges intact and trim off the other. How much will be trimmed?

Canvas Size

It depends on the size of the original image as well as the pixel size that you need. It is never in your control. The size, however, will be perfect to the exact pixel specification that you enter.

The best method, however, is the one where you do all of that—resize the image as per your pixel size specification as well as make a precise selection of the area of the image that you need, all in a single step process.

How to Crop to an Exact Size

Photo To Pixel Art

  1. Select the Crop tool.
  2. A small box with options to type in the height, width, and pixel/inch appears at the top left.

Enter your pixel size specification in the boxes marked followed by ‘px’.

Crop Image Online

  1. Enter the width and height information for your desired image. Make sure you type ‘px’ to denote pixels after the height and width number.
  1. Drag the image resize handles to resize the image. Stating the pixel height and width basically sets a target size to Photoshop. Every time you drag the resize handle the height and width are adjusted based on the pixel information you had set previously.

This method allows you to select an area of the image that you would like to use, rather than leaving the decision on Photoshop.

There is one downside to all this. If your selection area is too small, Photoshop will upsample the image. Though the selection process is just one step, Photoshop prepares the final image in a two step process. It resizes the image and then resamples it. If the image is too small, it will add pixels to the image to make it match the pixel height and width that you had set.

Go ahead and try this out. Do you have a better way to resize images in Photoshop?

For Further Training on Photoshop:

This course is designed to help users become a Photoshop or Photoshop Elements expert from the perspective of professional photographers. In the world of photoshop tutorials, it is difficult to find the key tools & functions that are critical for photographers, these lessons help you master them in any version of Photoshop.

Found here: Photoshop Basics for Photographers

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