The BPO industry has taken its toll here in our country and it has proven to the eyes of many people that it can greatly benefit almost all types of businesses. Initially, the SSS hotline only has 16 hours of operations but a few years back, they lengthened their operations to 24 hours which technically concludes that they are giving more access to over-the-phone updates about contributions, benefits, loans, and other transactions you can do with SSS. In this article, we will be talking about everything that you need to know about the SSS hotline.
- Sss Customer Service Phone Number
- Sss Customer Service Hotline
- Sss Customer Service Chat
- Sss Customer Service Mobile Number
Sss Customer Service Phone Number
Registration for Men 18-25. Selective Service registration is required by law as the first part of a fair and equitable system that, if authorized by the President and Congress, would rapidly provide personnel to the Department of Defense while at the same time providing for an Alternative Service Program for conscientious objectors. Website: Selective Service System (SSS) Contact: Contact the Selective Service System. Main Address: PO Box 94638 Palatine, IL. Email: Phone Number: 1-847-688-6888. Toll Free: 1-888-655-1825. TTY: 1-800-877-8339. Forms: Selective Service System Forms. Government branch: Independent Agency. For comments, concerns and inquiries contact: International Toll-Free Nos.: SSS Hotline: 1455: Asia: Middle East: Europe: SSS Trunkline No. (632) 8920-6401.
SSS President and Chief Executive Officer Emilio de Quiros, Jr., said that with longer hours of the customer service, many people will have the idea of calling about their contributions, loans, their memberships, their benefits, and a lot more that concerns their correlation to our country’s Social Security System.
Read: Ask SSS concerns using UsapangSSS website
Everyone can inquire and contact the call center, “Local employees with the regular working hours of 8-5, call center agents of graveyard shifts, overseas members in different timezones, almost everyone can find a time for them to make an SSS phone query from Mondays to Fridays,” de Quiro said.
Back in 2012, they reported that the SSS call center receives over 46, 000 calls every month. The usual calls that members make are:
- Benefit claims and what they can get from their membership
- Salary loans and other loans
- Verification of their SSS status
- Application for the Unified Multi-Purpose Identification System (UMID) card – the current SSS ID
Of course, these are not all of the cases or inquiries that they get, some also ask for applications for benefits, remittance of contributions, complaints about non-remittance of their employers, and a lot more.
Upon dialing SSS hotline which is 920-6446 – 55; 920-6401, be ready with your SSS number because that will be the form of verification of your membership with the system. If you are calling and you’re unsure of your number, be reminded that they will ask you some sort of verification like:
- Your whole name (including your middle name)
- Mother’s Maiden Name
- Complete Address
After verifying that it is you, they will provide you with your SSS number and as for you, do take note of it so that you won’t forget it the next time you need something. Note that it opens at 7:00am from Mondays all the way up to 7:00am on Saturdays. The center is usually closed during weekends and holidays.
If you want to utilize the Interactive Voice Response System (IVRS), this is where you have a computerized voice assist you with your concern; it is when you follow what the voice says in order for you to get what you are inquiring for, you may call the numbers below:
SSS Hotline numbers
SSS Trunkline No. (632) 920-6401
SSS Call Center: 920-6446 to 55
Interactive Voice Response System IVRS: 917-7777
- 446-5902 (Baguio)
- 982-8739 (Tarlac)
- 562-9289 (San Pablo)
- 472-8842 (Naga)
- 234-2053 (Cebu)
- 227-7273 (Davao)
- 992-2014 (Zamboanga)
SSS Email: member_rel[email protected];
SSS Facebook:
SSS Facebook:
Do you have any inquiries that are connected to your SSS membership? Dial the number now and make sure that you have all required information so that they can assist you with your concern.
About SSS Deliveries Delivery Release Form Tracking Delayed Packages Miscellaneous
Click the questions below to reveal the answers.
About SSS
A: SSS is a private parcel distribution service that employs third party delivery companies to deliver packages on our behalf. We provide tracking information and customer support for the companies we service. Our goal is to help all customers track the progress of their orders and receive their deliveries as quickly as possible
Q: How long does it take to receive a delivery through SSS?
A: Delivery times vary by region. In the Northeast, delivery times range between 4-10 business days (one or two weeks) from the time we receive your package. In Texas and California, delivery times range between 7-15 business days (two or three weeks) from the time we receive your package. Please use the tracking system on our main page to determine when your delivery should arrive.
Q: Is there any way to have my package delivered sooner?
A: Unfortunately, NO. SSS provides one level of service. It is ground service, and deliveries take longer to process than with most national delivery companies. Unlike UPS or FedEx, we do not have the resources to provide overnight or expedited service at this time.
A: Yes. SSS requires that a signature be obtained for all deliveries. This signature must be obtained at the address printed on the package (unless an address change was authorized prior to delivery). Ideally, this signature will be on our Delivery Release Form (DRF). Please see the section on the Delivery Release Form for more information.
A: Delivery procedures vary by region. Each Carrier in the SSS network has existing procedures for their many customers, and we want them to handle our packages with little or no change in their standard operating procedures, to ensure timely deliveries. If it is the normal procedure of the carrier handling your delivery to call in advance, you will be called. If this is not their procedure, SSS cannot arrange for you to be called.
Q: Can I arrange to have my order delivered at a specific time?
A: Unfortunately, NO. SSS has little control over the delivery schedule for any particular order. SSS packages are delivered via routes, and are scheduled based on the most efficient way to deliver all packages. We cannot arrange to have your delivery occur within any specified time frame besides our standard service schedule.
The Delivery Release Form (DRF)
Q: I received an SSS Delivery Release Form (DRF) in the mail. What do I do with it?
A: The DRF should be filled out with your order information and placed on your FRONT door, or in a place where it is clearly visible from the road for our driver. When the delivery arrives, if you are not available to accept hand-delivery, the delivery person will remove the DRF from your door and leave your package(s).
Sss Customer Service Hotline
A: Please notate the date and time that you sign the DRF.
Q: How long should I wait before placing the DRF on my door?
A: You should have your DRF up as soon as you receive it. In some cases, the DRF arrives a few days before your delivery does.
Q: Do I need to use the DRF every time I am expecting a delivery?
Sss Customer Service Chat
A: The DRF is the best way to accept an SSS delivery, and should be provided to the driver for every delivery. The DRF confirms we are delivering the parcel to the person who purchased it.
A: Unfortunately, No. But you can download and print one by Clicking Here.
Q: I’m always home. Do I need to have my DRF on my front door anyway?
A: Our drivers will attempt to make delivery to the address on the package regardless of whether the DRF is in place or not. Still, the DRF should be on the front door whenever you are expecting an order for two reasons:
Our delivery personnel are on a tight schedule. If the DRF is not in place and you do not hear the doorbell, or are unable to come to the door, the driver will not leave your package, and you will be expected to wait for the next available delivery time. This could delay your delivery by several days or even a week.
The DRF is like a homing beacon for your delivery. If our delivery person is driving down your street and sees the DRF on your door, they’ll know they’re in the right place.
Q: I live in an apartment building. Where should I put my DRF?
A: The DRF needs to be somewhere our delivery person can retrieve it. If you live in an apartment building where visitors need to be “buzzed” in, you must leave the DRF down by the buzzer, or leave a note stating what buzzer to ring in the event that you are not home to let the driver in. This could be your building super, or another person in the building who will have the DRF to give to the driver.
You can also leave the DRF with your doorman, concierge, or other apartment personnel who would be able to accept delivery for you.
If none of these options are available to you, it may be easier to have your package sent to your place of work or to a relative’s house where the DRF can be left. If your order has already shipped and you are experiencing difficulties receiving delivery to your secured apartment building, you can have your package re-routed by e-mailing SSS Customer Service at
Q: My delivery is coming to my place of work. What should I do with the DRF?
A: The DRF should be in the hands of the person our driver will first come in contact with when they bring your delivery. If there is a receptionist at your place of work, they should have the DRF. If there is a mailroom for deliveries, the mailroom staff should have the DRF. If you know in advance who will have the DRF, give this information to the person who takes your order.
Q: I can’t leave my DRF out when I’m not home. What should I do?
A: If you cannot leave your DRF out when you are not home, you might not receive your delivery. If delivery of a package is attempted 3X times and the DRF or signature cannot be obtained, the package will be returned to the seller (exception: If an address correction is necessary to complete your delivery, a forth attempt can be arranged.)
To have your package re-routed to a location where the DRF can be made available, please e-mail Customer Service at with your current order information and the address you would like your package delivered to. Please note, re-routing a parcel could delay delivery by a few days, and the charges to do so must be first approved by your shipper.
Tracking Your Order
Q: Can I be given the approximate date and time of my delivery?
A: Unfortunately, NO. Because we employ third party delivery companies, SSS does not have access to information regarding the delivery schedule for any particular order. If you are expecting a delivery, please place the Delivery Release Form (DRF) on your front door and leave it there until the package arrives.
Q: Where do I get my account information to log onto the SSS website?
A: If you are expecting a delivery from SSS, you do not need to log in. This field is for our clients, the companies we deliver for, not their customers. Tracking information can be obtained by entering your Tracking # or SSS Order # into the “Shipment Tracking” field and clicking “Submit”
Q: I don’t know my Tracking #. Can you tell me what it is?
A: SSS cannot provide information on any order without first being provided the Tracking # or SSS Order #. If you do not know your Tracking #, please contact the seller and ask them to provide it.
Q: I put my Tracking # into “Shipment Tracking,” but nothing happened.
A: The tracking information screen is displayed as a pop-up. Please unblock pop-ups for the SSS website and try again.
Q: I put my Tracking # into “Shipment Tracking” and it says “REFERENCE: ORDER # NOT ON FILE”
Is something wrong with my order?
A: There are a number of reasons this could happen. The SSS tracking system is very particular. If one character in your Tracking # is wrong, it will not recognize your Tracking #. More often than not, the Tracking # entered is incorrect or incomplete. Please contact the company you placed your order with to confirm your Tracking #.
- Not knowing if a character is an “O” or a zero: It is always a zero.
- Not having the seller’s unique prefix code: Most of our tracking #s begin with a 4-digit prefix, followed by a dash. Example: 1150-H0X385012
- Not having the SSS Tracking #: Companies that ship with SSS will often have a different # they use for their records. Contact the company you ordered from to make sure you have the SSS tracking #.
A: If you entered your Tracking # properly, a window should pop up that looks like this:
A: There are 4 status possibilities.
- ORDER PLACED: This status means that there is an order on file for your delivery, but the package has not been received yet from the seller. If this status does not change after a few days and you need information about your order, please contact the seller, SSS does not investigate packages we do not receive.
- AT SORTING CENTER: This status means that your parcel has been received at our Buffalo, NY distribution terminal for sorting and shipping. If your order has this status, your package will go out with our next shipment to your area.
- SHIPPED HANG DOORTAG NOW: This status means your package is on its way! Please place your SSS Delivery Release Form on your front door until the package arrives.
- DELIVERED: This status means your package was successfully delivered. If you did not receive your package but the status says DELIVERED, please e-mail Customer Service at for assistance.
Q: My seller says you have my package. But your tracking system says you don’t, what’s going on?
A: Until your parcel is scanned at our Buffalo, NY Sorting Center, SSS takes no responsibility for your package. There is a one business day delay between the time your seller releases the package and the time SSS scans it into theSorting Center. If you’ve been told your package has been released to SSS but the tracking system does not show it, check again the following day (Monday if your package was released on Friday). If your package is still not scanned into our warehouse by noon the following day, please contact your seller to determine the delay.
Delayed Packages
Q: It is now past my expected delivery date and I still don’t have my delivery. What should I do?
A: Most of the time, if a package is delayed, you will be contacted by either SSS or your selling company, to confirm your address and make arrangements to have your delivery attempted again. Occasionally, a package will go undelivered that SSS is not alerted to. If you are expecting delivery, and it is now past your expected delivery date, please contact the seller and e-mail SSS Customer Service at Make sure to include your order information in your e-mail.
Q: My package was delayed because I missed my delivery. How much longer will I be waiting?
A: If an SSS representative has authorized an additional attempt on the delivery of your package, the carrier will have 6 business days to attempt delivery again. For example, if it is a Tuesday when this occurs, you should see delivery by the following Wednesday.
Q: I would like to place an order. Can you help me?
A: SSS is a delivery service only, and cannot take orders on behalf of our clients. Due to our non-disclosure agreements, we cannot refer you to any of the companies we service.