Family Feud Fast Money Board

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Don’t tell my wife this (or my mom). I don’t want to be roped into a board game every weekend, but I secretly like playing games.

The family that wins the first round then enters the “Fast Money” round and earns a lump sum of money. If you are planning to play this game with your family, then this post is for you, as MomJunction brings you 151 Family Feud questions. Dylan and Kyle's Family Feud Timer. Fast Money Lose 199 Points. Send any sound on this board via text message.

Since I was a youngin, I’ve played everything from the classics like Monopoly and Risk to Codenames and Formula D (if you like competitive games, both of these last two are KILLER!!)

As a kid, I was always a fan game shows, whether it was watching Wheel of Fortune with my Grandma, or geeking out on Jeopardy.

Ya know kids, before there was reality TV, game shows were the best form of TV to just veg out to (aside from infomercials…ya I’m talking to you Ron Popeil!). Jeepers I sounded old there…

Anyways, one of the best game shows from my vintage that has stood the test of time is Family Feud.

I can remember being a wee lad and sitting down with my family to watch the classic bad fashion 80’s version of this game show. Not only did I find myself dying laughing at some of the answers people would give, it gave our family a chance to talk about some of the answers we’d give. And while this might not seem like a big deal, getting your kids talking (about anything) can be a herculean task for many parents More on that later).

Family Feud Fast Money Questions

Some of the craziest answers came when contestants were asked the family feud fast money questions.

In the fast money round, the winning family is asked to choose two members to participate in a special round where they can win up to $20,000!!

With one contestant backstage, the other is asked to answer a series of five rapid-fire family feud fast money questions in 20 seconds. After the time is up, the host reveals the number one answer for each of the questions, as given by a random survey of 100 people.

Next, the second family member comes out and answers the same questions in 25 seconds (a buzzer goes if they repeat an answer that the first person gave, so they give them a bit of extra time).

The name of the game is to get all five of the number one responses, or as many of the top responses as possible, between the two family members.

You Said What!!??

Now because of the time pressure that people are under, the answers in this section can get quite hilarious. Oftentimes, people speak without thinking, which is always good for a laugh (or cringe).

Here’s a couple of examples of gut-busting family feud fast money questions and responses:

Name something a doctor might pull out of a person → gerbil

Name something burglar wouldn’t want to see when he breaks into a house → naked grandma

Name something you might buy that could turn out to be phony → a horse

Name an animal whose eggs you’d probably never eat for breakfast → hamster

Name a yellow fruit → orange

Name something you feel before you buy it → excited

How Does This Relate to Money?

But Matt, you might be saying, you’re a personal finance blogger. What does Family Feud have to do with money?

Well, some of the most comical answers, and the most honest, came from money themed questions. Over the years there has been a TON of money related content in the Family Feud fast money questions.

I thought it would be fun to have a bit of a lighter post this week.

No “How to graduate from school without student loans” or “13 tips to get rich quick”.

Nope, hopefully just a few laughs and a chance to see how well you know the American public.

So without further ado, I present, the Method to Your Money Family Feud Fast Money questions!!

The Directions

When you click on the link below you’ll be taken to a special quiz I created JUST FOR YOU!!

Family Feud Fast Money Boards

I’ll ask you a series of questions (we’re doing more than 5 because we don’t have the time constraints of TV and there are just TOO many good money themed ones). You’ll have 2 minutes (though there’s no actual clock counting down. I just wanted you to feel like you’re under a bit of time pressure 😉

Answer the questions and sit back and see what the #1 responses are and how you stack up!!

[streamquiz id=”1″]

Feel free to share it around with your friends and family (or complete strangers on social media if you think it’s cool).

Talk With Your Kids About Money

As well, it can be a fun way to get the money conversation started with your kids. After they’ve taken the quiz can provide an awesome opportunity to chat more with them about money.

A lot of parents feel completely overwhelmed when they think about how to teach their kids about money. We’ve all been there, hoping there was someone who would hold our hand and help us along the way.

Let me be that person for you.

In addition to this fun little game/quiz, I’ve spent weeks working on a new Killer e-course all about how to teach your kids about money. In the course I’ve included TONS of valuable nuggets on how rock these talks with your kids, and a bunch of awesome FREE resources to help you along the way.

All you need to do is click on this link to sign-up and get everything for FREE.

As I said (several times) it’s totally free, and it’ll be super helpful in kick-starting the money talk with your kids, whether they’re 5 or 15!!

I hope you enjoy the quiz and the free course!!

What’s the craziest answer to a money question you’ve ever gotten? Add to the conversation in the comments below or on Twitter @method_moneyor my Facebook page Method To Your Money. You can also find me on Pinterest. Want great ideas for talking money with your kids? Sign up to receive my weekly emails detailing how you can raise a money genius!

1. Tell Me Something That’s Hard To Do While Driving In The Snow.(2 answers)

Stop( 29 points)
Turn( 28 points)

2. Name A Fruit You Can Buy In The Frozen Food Section(2 answers)

Strawberries( 65 points)
Blueberries( 9 points)

3. Name A Holiday When You’d See A Parade.(2 answers)

Thanksgiving( 31 points)
Christmas( 26 points)

4. Besides Christmas, Tell Me A Holiday That Kids Get Off From School.(2 answers)

Thanksgiving( 41 points)
4Th Of July( 6 points)

5. Besides Christmas, Name A Holiday Most People Get Off From Work.(2 answers)

Thanksgiving( 53 points)
Labor Day( 9 points)

6. Name A Place To Avoid During The Holidays.(2 answers)

The Mall( 44 points)
Grocery Store( 21 points)

See Full List On

7. Name Something A Teenager Might Try To Get Away With When Their Parents Are Out Of Town(2 answers)

Throwing A Party( 36 points)
Drink( 20 points)

8. Name Something People Buy By The Roll(2 answers)

Toilet Paper( 73 points)
Paper Towel( 10 points)
Family Feud Fast Money Board

9. What Should You Never Forget To Take To The Beach?(2 answers)

Towel( 54 points)
Sunscreen( 39 points)

10. Name Something You Might Ask A Bathroom Attendant For(2 answers)

Towels( 51 points)
Toilet Paper( 20 points)

11. Name A Musical Instrument You Blow Into.(2 answers)

Trumpet( 26 points)
Sax( 12 points)

12. Name A Department Store Where People Shop During The Holidays.(2 answers)

Wal-Mart( 38 points)
Macys( 37 points)

13. Name A Practical Joke You Might Purchase From A Joke Shop(2 answers)

Whoopie Cushion( 47 points)
Rubber Chicken( 7 points)

14. Name A Reason Someone Would Return A Gift.(2 answers)

Wrong Size( 49 points)
Doesn’t Like It( 21 points)

15. Name A Board Game You’d Like To Get As A Gift(2 answers)

Monopoly( 45 points)
Sorry( 12 points)

16. Name Something You’d Need If You Wanted To Make A Teddy Bear(2 answers)

Stuffing( 41 points)
Fur( 4 points)

17. Name An Advantage Of Being A Senior Citizen(2 answers)

Discount( 85 points)
No Work( 4 points)

18. Name Something You’d Do Around The House That You’d Need A Ladder(2 answers)

Change Light Bulb( 31 points)
Clean Gutters( 17 points)