My Flash Store Player

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Flash Player can store information on your computer much like your browser stores cookies. We'll look at the risk, and how to manage the settings.

Nov 07, 2019 As Chrome has its own built-in version of Flash, you don't need to install a plugin or anything. And the easiest way to get into Chrome's settings is by visiting chrome://settings/content. Once you're there, scroll down until you see the option for Flash player: Scroll down to Flash, right below JavaScript Allow Flash to run. Click on 'Flash. This security update resolves vulnerabilities in Adobe Flash Player that is installed on any of the Windows operating systems that are listed in the 'Applies to' section.

Full list of the top Browsers apps that are similar to Adobe Flash Player, including Microsoft Silverlight, Ghostery (for Safari), Adobe Shockwave Player, Microsoft Silverlight (64-bit), Unity Web. Jan 16, 2020 Under Adobe Flash Player is the Flash version number. On Mac OS X 10.10 or older, go to Safari Preferences Security and choose Plug-in Settings or Manage Website Settings to see the Flash version.

by Leo A. Notenboom, © 2009

I had a problem installing a program on my computer. After 20 minutes with tech support we found the problem was my Macromedia Flashplayer settings. Sometime in the past when Flashplayer asked if it could store stuff on my computer I had changed the memory setting to NONE. Changing the setting to allow Flashplayer to save stuff on my computer solved the problem.

What are the benefits/dangers of allowing Flashplayer to store stuff on my computer. What are your thoughts on these settings, and what the best/safest setting should be?

Macromedia Flash (long since purchased by Adobe) has exploded in the web asthe platform-independent dynamic content player of choice. If you've everwatched a video on YouTube (and who hasn't?), you used the Flash Player to doit.

What many people don't realize is that, yes, Flash can store information inon your computer for the site you're visiting.

You've heard of 'cookies',as used by your internet web browser? There's a new term in town: flashcookies.


The problem with information stored by flash player is not only do mostpeople not realize that the information is stored at all, but it's also notobvious how to clear it, or prevent it.

'Clearing your browser's cache, cookies or otherinformation will not clear the information stored by Flash.'

While the information stored by Flash Player is very much like browsercookies - the information is made available to the site that put it there inthe first place - it's not related to your browser in any way. Clearing yourbrowser's cache, cookies or other information will not clear the informationstored by Flash.

You can control Flash Player's behaviour with respect to the data it storedby visiting the Flash SettingsManager, which is not surprisingly a Flash application on theMacromedia/Adobe web site. There you can visit the 'Global Storage SettingsPanel' to control how Flash should deal with local storage:

Here you can control how much space is used, or whether applications areeven allowed to store information on your computer at all. (It's worth visitingthe other tabs in the Setting Manager. They'll let you control content on asite by site basis, as well as other privacy and security settings.)

So, what's the risk?

In my opinion the risk is very similar to browser cookies - in other words,not much. 001f‹00030003

There's little to no security risk, as stored information is just that,stored information and nothing more. Barring unpatched vulnerabilities in Flashor your system, this stored data cannot be used to spread malware or infectyour system.

The risk, to the extent that it exists, is one of privacy. Much like browsercookies, Flash information can be used to remember the sites you've visited (ifthey, or their advertising networks use Flash), and perhaps even what you'vedone while on that site. (Typically, again like browser cookies, the storedFlash information is really just used to remember your settings and choices foryou.)

I don't see this as a huge issue. As I've said repeatedly, you, as anindividual, just aren't that interesting. No one cares whatyou do. What they care about, perhaps, is finding out that1,000 people like this site, and 2,000 like this other site, and other types of'aggregate' information. Exactly who those 1,000 or 2,000 people are is lostwhen the information is collected.

But of course not everyone feels the same way.

The other side of the issue is that, as you've seen, some applicationssimply require the ability to store information and won't work if they can't.That's simply a decision you'll need to make as you visit sites that useFlash.

Article C3790 - June 26, 2009 «»

You may also be interested in:

  • Why won't Flash work, even though it's installed? Adobe Flash is a nearly ubiquitous tool for displaying video on the web. You must install if, of course, but often that's not enough.

  • Is this Macromedia Flash potentially unsafe operation message legitimate? If Macromedia Flash is crashing or faulting, the best and possibly the safest thing to do is to simply reinstall it.

  • How do I delete cookies? And just what are cookies, anyway? Deleting cookies is an easy task. Whether it's absolutely necessary or not is another matter.

June 26, 2009 2:16 PM

I'm using the BetterPrivacy add-on for FF which clears Flash cookies when I close the browser. I have it set to prompt me, but it will also do so automatically.

June 30, 2009 9:44 AM

Many utility cleaners will have a setting to clear flash cookies. I like Crap Cleaner or CCleaner for short. Another is free internet window washer 2.5 Bye

June 30, 2009 1:40 PM

THANK you for the Flash manager link! Hugely useful.

I understand that all things don't work the same in all situations....but I tried CCleaner once. Result was a complete reformat/reload of my PC!

ANY advertised registry 'cleaner'or 'fixer'is something to be extremely wary of, imo.

July 13, 2009 11:53 PM

where store web cam recorded .FLV FILE BY adobe flash player IN WEB APPLICATION IN ASP.NET WITH C#

July 20, 2009 12:15 AM

Admitted: I'd never heard of flash cookies until reading this.

I have used the great program CCleaner for many years. (I run it numerous times a day!) Yet I don't see anything about or settings for cleaning flash cookies. Are they automatically cleaned with other browser cookies? (CCleaner v. 2.21.940)

October 2, 2011 3:24 AM

i m using adobe flash player
i stored an flash game i played it and completed it
where the files of it stored

October 28, 2011 11:58 AM

When I stopped allowing Flash to store info on my computer my 6 year old computer really got a lot faster. Just a coincidence? Probably not!

June 27, 2012 1:41 PM

cCleaner works for flash cookies and stored file removal. I us it on all my windows machines but I will warn people to only use the functions that you understand.
If the check box is in the advanced section, know what it is before you check it.
Do not check your anti virus as it will remove your updates.
Check, all of your browser boxes, all Flash player boxes, Windows Explorer, temporary files, clipboard, recycling bin, memory dumps, log files, and all multimedia.
I recommend that you only use the “Cleaner” option in the program/ the one that shows a brush.
This should keep your computer clean of hundreds of files that would otherwise be stored in your computer and in some cases, use quite a bit of HD space.
cCleaner works for me but there are others that do the same thing and work well.
In Linux, I use Bleachbit.

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Adobe Flash Player has been a blight on the internet for more years than most people care to think about, but its days are finally numbered.

We've known for a number of years that the software is reaching end of life (EOL) at the end of this year, and Adobe will stop distributing it after this date. But Adobe is going further, and will soon start to prompt people to uninstall Flash Player from their computers.

Flash Player has been much-maligned for a long time thanks to numerous security problems. The software has managed to stick around for years because of the number of sites that embraced the technology. But Flash Player's days are now very much numbered as Adobe explains on a support page entitled 'Adobe Flash Player EOL General Information Page'.

As previously announced in July 2017, Adobe will stop distributing and updating Flash Player after December 31, 2020 ('EOL Date'). We made this announcement in collaboration with several of our technology partners -- Including Apple, Facebook, Google, Microsoft and Mozilla -- which issued complementary announcements with more technical detail on what the Flash Player EOL will mean for developers, enterprises, and consumers using their specific OS environments or browsers.

As well as being unsupported, there will be no point in having the software installed when 2021 rolls around:

Adobe will be removing Flash Player download pages from its site and Flash-based content will be blocked from running in Adobe Flash Player after the EOL Date.

My Flash Store Player Download

But to make sure that the insecure software does not stick around on too many computers, Adobe is going to start aggressively suggesting removal. The company explains:

Adobe will not issue Flash Player updates or security patches after the EOL Date. We recommend that all users uninstall Flash Player before the EOL date (see manual uninstall instructions for Windows and Mac users). Users will be prompted by Adobe to uninstall Flash Player on their machines later this year and Flash-based content will be blocked from running in Adobe Flash Player after the EOL Date.

Goodbye... and good riddance!

Is My Flash Player Current

Image credit:Jarretera / Shutterstock